Donate to the project and get some unique in-game rewards!
Hover on the store item to see aditional info.
30 days
Reflection Plus
Activates on account temporarily
- Special icon next to your name in game
- Player chat messages are automatically translated into the game language
- You earn 2 times more gem fragments
- @Premium role in our Discord
- Access to exclusive chat channel in our Discord
- Your items don't lose durability after death
- Currencies and health globes pickup radius increased by 30%
- A looter companion helps you with picking up gold and currencies
- Every completed bounty gives experience and additional reward
- Sealed chests give guaranteed additional reward
- Curiosity vendor prices reduced by 25%
- Mount has additional spur charge
- Free access to 322 visual goods from the in-game Shop
- And other benefits in all Reflection Network games!
60 days
Reflection Plus
Activates on account temporarily
- Special icon next to your name in game
- Player chat messages are automatically translated into the game language
- You earn 2 times more gem fragments
- @Premium role in our Discord
- Access to exclusive chat channel in our Discord
- Your items don't lose durability after death
- Currencies and health globes pickup radius increased by 30%
- A looter companion helps you with picking up gold and currencies
- Every completed bounty gives experience and additional reward
- Sealed chests give guaranteed additional reward
- Curiosity vendor prices reduced by 25%
- Mount has additional spur charge
- And other benefits in all Reflection Network games!
90 days
Reflection Plus
Activates on account temporarily
- Special icon next to your name in game
- Player chat messages are automatically translated into the game language
- You earn 2 times more gem fragments
- @Premium role in our Discord
- Access to exclusive chat channel in our Discord
- Your items don't lose durability after death
- Currencies and health globes pickup radius increased by 30%
- A looter companion helps you with picking up gold and currencies
- Every completed bounty gives experience and additional reward
- Sealed chests give guaranteed additional reward
- Curiosity vendor prices reduced by 25%
- Mount has additional spur charge
- And other benefits in all Reflection Network games!