D4 Reflection




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Cutting Apprentice

Strider’s Crown
782 Item Power
977 Armor
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +17% Total Armor
  • 80% Gem Strength in this Item
  • +7% 10 Duration
804 Item Power
1407 Armor
  • +19% Total Armor
  • 11% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • 22% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • +[0.23] Thorns
  • You gain 0.3% increased Armor for X seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 0.3%.
  • Imprint: You gain N% increased Armor for X seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to N%.
Flawless Topaz
Flawless Topaz
Warlord Gauntlets
809 Item Power
404 Armor
  • +6% Lucky Hit Chance
  • 32% Cold Resistance
  • +9% Attack Speed
Heavy Pants
788 Item Power
788 Armor
  • 9% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • +4% Dodge Chance
  • +19% Total Armor
  • +16% Potion Drop Rate
Warlord Boots
734 Item Power
367 Armor
  • +62 Intelligence
  • +28 All Stats
  • +[2] Max Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • +[403.03] Maximum Life
  • Critical Strikes grant 11.5% Movement Speed for X second, up to X seconds.
714 Item Power
  • 12% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • +19% Damage while Healthy
  • 12% Fury Cost Reduction
  • 15% Resistance to All Elements
  • +2 |4Rank:Ranks; of the 495578 Passive
849 Item Power
  • +6% Critical Strike Chance
  • +58}% Overpower Damage
  • +73% Damage to Distant Enemies
  • +36% Vulnerable Damage
  • 8% Lightning Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • Critical Strikes from Sever have a 18% chance to spawn a pool of Blight under the target that deals [((Affix_Value_1 - 10) * Affix.Static Value 0) + Affix.Static Value 1|%|] bonus damage. This effect can only happen once every X seconds.
Runed Band
819 Item Power
  • +77 Intelligence
  • +5% Critical Strike Chance
  • 8% Fire Resistance
  • +47% Damage to Close Enemies
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • Imprint: Basic Skills gain N% Attack Speed.
801 Item Power
2279.25 Damage Per Second
  • [2026 - 3039] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +63% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
  • +170 Intelligence
  • +110}% Overpower Damage
  • +228.38 Life On Kill
  • Blood Surge’s nova echoes again after a short delay, dealing 62% less damage.
  • Imprint: Blood Surge’s nova echoes again after a short delay, dealing N% less damage.

Necromancer lvl 77

Equipment rating: 9473


Active Paragon glyphs