D4 Reflection




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Boneweave Helm
909 Item Power
1136 Armor
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +13% Total Armor
  • 82% Gem Strength in this Item
  • +8% 10 Duration
  • When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain N Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
Warlord Plate
891 Item Power
1559 Armor
  • 20% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • 11% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • +[0.27] Thorns
  • +13% Total Armor
  • Gain 14.5% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.
Adventurer's Gloves
723 Item Power
361 Armor
  • +6% Attack Speed
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +9% Chance to Immobilize
  • +15% Damage to Elites
  • +3% Critical Strike Chance
  • Hurricane damage is increased by 14% each second while active.
Boneweave Faulds
756 Item Power
756 Armor
  • 14% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • 5% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • +1 Potion Capacity
  • +[0.12] Thorns
  • Gain 12.5% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.
Empty socket
Empty socket
Runic Cleats
937 Item Power
468 Armor
  • 22% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • +6% Dodge Chance
  • 6% Fury Cost Reduction
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by [0.8|1|] |4Second:Seconds;
  • When you have Fortify your Earth Skills gain +2 Ranks.
883 Item Power
  • +2 |4Rank:Ranks; of the 291048 Passive
  • 19% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[0.21] Thorns
  • +8% Crowd Control Duration
  • +19% Total Armor
754 Item Power
  • +14% Damage while Healthy
  • Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes Have Up to a +24% Chance to Immobilize
  • +4% Critical Strike Chance
724 Item Power
  • +15% Damage while Healthy
  • Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes Have Up to a +35% Chance to Slow
  • +3% Critical Strike Chance
Lumber Axe
20 Item Power
45 Damage Per Second
  • [40 - 60] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +6% Damage to Elites

Druid lvl 2

Equipment rating: 9110
