D4 Reflection




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Warlord Greathelm
260 Item Power
325 Armor
  • +[30.8] Thorns
  • +[250] Armor
  • 5% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Etched Jacket
236 Item Power
413 Armor
  • +24 Strength
  • +[15.2] Maximum Life
  • Imprint: You gain N% increased Armor for X seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to N%.
Chipped Ruby
Chipped Ruby
Primal Gauntlets
199 Item Power
99 Armor
  • +5% Attack Speed
  • +5% Critical Strike Chance
  • +27 Strength
Adventurer's Pants
233 Item Power
233 Armor
  • +23 Strength
  • +[19] Maximum Life
  • +10 All Stats
Heavy Boots
218 Item Power
109 Armor
  • +[1] Max Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • +9% Movement Speed
  • +11 All Stats
  • Imprint:
Cathedral Crest
251 Item Power
  • +14% Damage
  • +6% Total Armor
  • 6% Resistance to All Elements
Empty socket
231 Item Power
  • +5% Attack Speed
  • +10% Damage
  • 2% Shadow Resistance
  • 2% Resistance to All Elements
241 Item Power
  • +25 Strength
  • +14% Damage
  • 2% Lightning Resistance
  • 2% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[24] Maximum Life
Dire Mace
245 Item Power
263.25 Damage Per Second
  • [234 - 351] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +24% Damage
  • +34}% Overpower Damage
  • +74% "Basic" Skill Damage
  • Distant enemies have a X chance to be Stunned for X seconds when they hit you. You deal 28% increased damage to Stunned enemies.
  • Imprint: Distant enemies have a X chance to be Stunned for X seconds when they hit you. You deal N% increased damage to Stunned enemies.
Chipped Skull
Chipped Skull
231 Item Power
123.75 Damage Per Second
  • [90 - 135] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +26 Strength
  • +17}% Overpower Damage
  • +35% "Basic" Skill Damage
  • Imprint:
231 Item Power
123.75 Damage Per Second
  • [90 - 135] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +26 Strength
  • +10% Damage
  • +17}% Overpower Damage
  • You have X increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain 24% increased Crowd Control Duration.
  • Imprint: You have X increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain N% increased Crowd Control Duration.
Great Axe
216 Item Power
234.9 Damage Per Second
  • [209 - 313] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +48 Strength
  • +74% "Basic" Skill Damage
  • Basic Skills gain 28% Attack Speed.
  • Imprint: Basic Skills gain N% Attack Speed.

Barbarian lvl 26

Equipment rating: 1066
