D4 Reflection




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Sturdy Hood
508 Item Power
635 Armor
  • +4% "Basic" Skill Attack Speed
  • +5% Crowd Control Duration
  • +9% Total Armor
  • 34% Gem Strength in this Item
Strider’s Tunic
621 Item Power
1086 Armor
  • 9% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • 4% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • +9% Total Armor
603 Item Power
301 Armor
  • +10% Damage to Immobilize Enemies
  • +4% Attack Speed
  • +5% Critical Strike Chance
Strider’s Leggings
77 Item Power
77 Armor
  • 1% Dodge Chance
Empty socket
Empty socket
Strider’s Shoes
599 Item Power
299 Armor
  • 11% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • 3% Spirit Cost Reduction
631 Item Power
  • 7% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +3 |4Rank:Ranks; of the 215519 Passive
  • 16% Fury Cost Reduction
  • 15% Resistance to All Elements
622 Item Power
  • +13% Damage while Healthy
  • Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes Have Up to a +19% Chance to Stun
  • +3% Critical Strike Chance
646 Item Power
  • +16% Damage while Healthy
  • Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes Have Up to a +29% Chance to Slow
  • +2% Critical Strike Chance
Cold-Steel Bow
88 Item Power
77.4 Damage Per Second
  • [69 - 103] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +5% Chance to Disabled
  • +6% Damage to Distant Enemies
620 Item Power
563.75 Damage Per Second
  • [410 - 615] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +9% Critical Strike Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +6% Chance to Immobilize
  • +25 Intelligence
Military Sword
645 Item Power
621.5 Damage Per Second
  • [452 - 678] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +13% Critical Strike Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +6% Chance to Stun

Rogue lvl 9

Equipment rating: 3779
