D4 Reflection




Referrals invited




Legendary Killer

Harlequin Crest
902 Item Power
1127 Armor
  • 18% Resource Generation
  • +28 All Stats
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +[1528.14] Maximum Life
Primal Breastplate
950 Item Power
1662 Armor
  • +2 |4Rank:Ranks; of 356162
  • +2 |4Rank:Ranks; of All 1931188701 Skills
  • +[738.88] Maximum Life
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +12% Primary Resource
  • +23% 10 Duration
  • +6% Critical Strike Chance
  • +8% Attack Speed
Eyes in the Dark
950 Item Power
950 Armor
  • +23% Damage to Enemies Affected by -465950571 Skills
  • +13% 5 Damage
  • 4% Damage Reduction
  • +[403.03] Maximum Life
Empty socket
Empty socket
Exceptional Boots
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • +[2265] Armor
  • +[3] Max Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • 6% Dodge Chance
  • +[638.12] Maximum Life
  • Critical Strikes grant 8% Movement Speed for X second, up to X seconds.
873 Item Power
  • +1 |4Rank:Ranks; of All -1460542966 Skills
  • 12% Resource Generation
  • +4% Critical Strike Chance
  • +34}% Overpower Damage
  • 20% Resistance to All Elements
712 Item Power
  • 25% Poison Resistance
  • +33% Critical Strike Damage
  • 25% Cold Resistance
  • 5% Resistance to All Elements
  • 5% Lightning Resistance
Mother's Embrace
895 Item Power
  • 8% Shadow Resistance
  • +20% Critical Strike Damage
  • +24 All Stats
  • +5% Lucky Hit Chance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[671.71] Maximum Life
Piercing Wind
950 Item Power
4064.4 Damage Per Second
  • [3613 - 5419] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +32% Vulnerable Damage
  • +234 Dexterity
  • +279% Critical Strike Damage
  • +70% Damage
Bone Blade
950 Item Power
2031 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.2 Attacks per Second
  • +54% Critical Strike Damage
  • +36% 389667 Duration
  • +33% Damage
  • +20% Damage to Close Enemies
  • +56% "Core" Skill Damage
  • +48% -457591688 Skill Damage
Bone Blade
950 Item Power
2031 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.2 Attacks per Second
  • +103% "Basic" Skill Damage
  • +[849.71] Maximum Life
  • +118% Critical Strike Damage
  • +20% Damage to Close Enemies

Rogue lvl 100

Equipment rating: 24493


Active Paragon glyphs