D4 Reflection



<δΈ­δΏ„θ”η›Ÿ> δΈ­δΏ„θ”η›Ÿ

Referrals invited




950 Item Power
1187 Armor
  • +[403.03] Maximum Life
  • +5% Crowd Control Duration
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +14% Damage
Runic Mail
847 Item Power
1482 Armor
  • +[1350] Armor
  • +84 Dexterity
  • +[876.58] Maximum Life
Empty socket
Empty socket
Fists of Fate
837 Item Power
418 Armor
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +14% Chance to Immobilize
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +14% Chance to Disabled
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +12% Primary Resource
950 Item Power
950 Armor
  • +[570.95] Maximum Life
  • +11% Healing Received
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +[621.33] Life
  • +17% Potion Drop Rate
Flawless Emerald
Flawless Emerald
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by [1.5|1|] |4Second:Seconds;
  • +16 All Stats
  • +12% Movement Speed
  • +50% "Ultimate" Skill Damage
  • 13% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Word of Hakan
802 Item Power
  • 30% 400232 Cooldown Reduction
  • +2 |4Rank:Ranks; of All -210927526 Skills
  • 20% Resistance to All Elements
  • +16% Movement Speed
  • +63% "Ultimate" Skill Damage
841 Item Power
  • +45% Critical Strike Damage
  • 8% Lightning Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[584.39] Maximum Life
  • +5% Lucky Hit Chance
871 Item Power
  • +8% Attack Speed
  • +46% Critical Strike Damage
  • 8% Resource Generation
  • 8% Fire Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
Serpent's Bone Bow
858 Item Power
2326.5 Damage Per Second
  • [2068 - 3102] Damage per Hit
  • 0.9 Attacks per Second
  • +[1155.34] Maximum Life
  • +52% Damage
  • +80% Vulnerable Damage
  • +40% Damage to Distant Enemies
  • When casting an Imbuement Skill you trigger an Imbued explosion around yourself, applying the Imbuement effects and dealing N damage of the same type.
Empty socket
Empty socket
876 Item Power
1524 Damage Per Second
  • [1016 - 1524] Damage per Hit
  • 1.2 Attacks per Second
  • +20% Damage to Close Enemies
  • +20% Critical Strike Damage
  • +14% "Core" Skill Damage
  • +11% Damage with 955621
  • +7% "Basic" Skill Attack Speed
Empty socket
Skull and Steel
854 Item Power
1399.75 Damage Per Second
  • [1018 - 1527] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +33% "Core" Skill Damage
  • +82 Dexterity
  • +41 All Stats
  • +17% Critical Strike Damage
  • Imprint: Flurry damages enemies in a circle around you and deals N% increased damage.

Rogue lvl 79

Equipment rating: 15425


Active Paragon glyphs