D4 Reflection




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Doom Casque
919 Item Power
1148 Armor
  • +87 Intelligence
  • +[705.29] Maximum Life
  • +38 All Stats
Primal Breastplate
921 Item Power
1611 Armor
  • +90 Intelligence
  • +[705.29] Thorns
  • 32% Shadow Resistance
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • +9% Attack Speed
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +14% Primary Resource
  • +14% 10 Duration
  • +5% Critical Strike Chance
Warlord Leg Plates
880 Item Power
880 Armor
  • +12% Healing Received
  • +[738.88] Thorns
  • +33 All Stats
  • Imprint: You gain N% increased Armor for X seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to N%.
Empty socket
Empty socket
928 Item Power
464 Armor
  • +13% Movement Speed
  • 9% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by [1.5|1|] |4Second:Seconds;
  • +16 All Stats
  • +39% "Ultimate" Skill Damage
949 Item Power
  • +20% Damage
  • 20% Resistance to All Elements
  • +8% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +37 All Stats
935 Item Power
  • +40% Critical Strike Damage
  • +56}% Overpower Damage
  • 8% Lightning Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • +5% Critical Strike Chance
Mother's Embrace
950 Item Power
  • +14% Critical Strike Damage
  • 8% Shadow Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[806.05] Maximum Life
  • +3% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +14 All Stats
Rattling Bones
950 Item Power
2031 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.2 Attacks per Second
  • +[738.88] Maximum Life
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +42% Critical Strike Damage
  • +56% Damage Over Time
  • Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for 28% seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [(Affix.Static Value 0 * (Affix_Value_1 - 1.5)) + 50|%|] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.
  • Imprint: Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for N% seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [(Affix.Static Value 0 * (Affix_Value_1 - 1.5)) + 50|%|] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.
Jade Relic
950 Item Power
1861.75 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • +[738.88] Maximum Life
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +8% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for 28% seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [(Affix.Static Value 0 * (Affix_Value_1 - 1.5)) + 50|%|] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.
  • Imprint: Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for N% seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [(Affix.Static Value 0 * (Affix_Value_1 - 1.5)) + 50|%|] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.

Necromancer lvl 56

Equipment rating: 15411


Active Paragon glyphs