D4 Reflection




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Elemental Sorcerer

Adventurer's Helm
950 Item Power
1187 Armor
  • +14% Total Armor
  • +[2495] Armor
  • +10% Barrier Generation
  • +46.8 All Stats
  • +150.15 Intelligence
  • Imprint: You Heal for N Life per second for each Close enemy, up to [Affix_Flat_Value_2] Life per second.
Royal Topaz
Raiment of the Infinite
950 Item Power
1662 Armor
  • +22% Damage to Close Enemies
  • +26% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • +52.5 Intelligence
  • +1 |4Rank:Ranks; of the 156224 Passive
Royal Ruby
Royal Ruby
Adventurer's Gloves
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • 8% Resource Cost Reduction
  • +11% Attack Speed
  • +39% Damage
  • +16% Crowd Control Duration
  • +133.5 Intelligence
  • Imprint: Deal N% increased damage while you have a Barrier active.
950 Item Power
950 Armor
  • +20% Potion Drop Rate
  • +20% Healing Received
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +[818.65] Life
  • +[629.73] Maximum Life
Royal Topaz
Royal Topaz
Warlord Boots
950 Item Power
475 Armor
  • +[3] Max Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • +[1091.53] Maximum Life
  • +12% Barrier Generation
  • +48.75 All Stats
  • +98.75 Intelligence
  • Imprint:
950 Item Power
  • 20% Resistance to All Elements
  • 19% Resource Cost Reduction
  • +87% Damage
  • +14% Attack Speed
  • Imprint: Your casts of Charged Bolts have a N% chance to be attracted to enemies and and last X longer.
Royal Diamond
950 Item Power
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • 22% Resource Cost Reduction
  • +76% Damage
  • 8% Fire Resistance
  • +111.8 Intelligence
  • Imprint: Gain N of your Primary Resource for every X of your Life that you Heal.
Royal Diamond
950 Item Power
  • 17% Resource Cost Reduction
  • 8% Cold Resistance
  • 8% Resistance to All Elements
  • +82% Damage
  • +105 Intelligence
  • Imprint: Core or Mastery Skills cast at or above X Mana gain a N% increased Critical Strike Chance.
Royal Skull
Wizard's Touch
950 Item Power
2031 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.2 Attacks per Second
  • +76% Damage
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +45 All Stats
  • +120 Intelligence
  • Imprint: When you Freeze an enemy there is a N% chance they become Vulnerable for X seconds.
Royal Emerald
Jade Relic
950 Item Power
1861.75 Damage Per Second
  • [1354 - 2031] Damage per Hit
  • 1.1 Attacks per Second
  • 10% Resource Cost Reduction
  • -1*100% Cooldown Reduction
  • +91% Damage
  • +117.45 Intelligence
  • Imprint: You deal N% more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies.
Royal Emerald

Sorcerer lvl 100

Equipment rating: 37767


Active Paragon glyphs